Monday, January 20, 2003

In the Eye of the Beholder...

Hello Everyone.

Editor's Note: Having written over 350 stories we thought we needed a little sabbatical.
So, until the end of February, we will be in re-runs. Please enjoy these previously
published Neva tales from not so long ago.

Originally Published: November 20, 2001

There is road construction that started early this morning on our street
corner and my 2-year-old daughter was immediately fascinated with the big machinery. The sounds of the engines would bring Neva time and again to my second story office window. Each and every time she would tell me about the goings on and not once did she forget to mention the Ladybugs.

Ladybugs. I was perplexed. I looked over every inch of the window, along the frame, inside and out to no avail. It wasn't until this evening that I realized that the construction workers where all wearing bright orange vests. Ladybugs!

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther