Monday, March 10, 2003

Re-Introducing ...

Hello Everyone.

Meet Milo, my 9-month-old son.

Sporting the latest infant hairdo, blond hair haphazardly spotted with baby cereal, with matching spots on his clothing and face, Milo is the strong, silent type. Or he was until he discovered his voice.

His strong sense of determination bordering on stubbornness is easy to mistake for a headstrong lack of cooperation. But why shouldn't we enjoy the 10 minutes we spend outting him in a new diaper.

Yet as our patience may wane, Milo's is unending. He follows his sister everywhere copying her every move, much to her chagrin. And when Neva has had enough, he watches her carefully from afar. He is as talkative as she is and nearly as outgoing and looking at both their baby pictures, you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart.

But where Neva's exaggerated emotional displays rival William Shatner's, Milo is accepting of things the way they are. No muss, no fuss.

I hope it lasts.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther