Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Climbing to New Heights ...

Hello Everyone.

I am sure that many of you know that life with a toddler can be quite challenging. Always ready to learn something, I have read quite a few articles about the subject and what I found quite interesting is the advice given on protecting your breakables. Move them to a higher shelf they suggest or put them away.

This sounds good in practice but when it comes to my 17-month-old son Milo those writers never could have anticipated his ingenuity. At any given moment, you will find Milo climbing something, be it a bookshelf, toy box, any number of tables, the piano and the list goes on. You see, he has taken to dragging a small chair around with him wherever he goes in our house. And nothing, it seems, is high enough to be out of his reach.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther