Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Happy New Year ...

Hello Everyone.

I have heard that some people believe looking back on the year just passed is bad luck for the coming new year. For me, looking back has never created enough anxiety. While many people are making New Year's Resolutions, I have my New Year's Reservations.

So what does 2005 have in store for the ContestHound.com household? I suspect that we'll have the regular drama and chaos that most parents have. Our oldest daughter Neva will turn 6 and start grade 1 in the fall and Willa, our youngest daughter, will be a year old in February. Squashed in the middle is Milo, who often finds himself squashed between things, will turn 3 in late spring.

For my wife Kathleen, hopefully she'll finally be able to sleep through the night, something she hasn't done in almost six years. And maybe not take the laundry too seriously. And for me, I'll probably be doing what I do best: obsessing about worrying too much.

Here's wishing all of you a Happy New Year filled with promise and hope and the strength and courage to face whatever challenges may come.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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