Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Little of This, a Little of That ...

My 6-year-old daughter Neva has always had quite an interest in cooking. She’s helped in making dinner a few times and has made muffins with Mommy since she was a toddler. But her favourite recipes are the ones she invents herself.

I always make a point of trying each of her concoctions. Most have been bearable and some, like the lemon juice with water and a spritz of lime, were actually quite refreshing.

The other day, Neva was preparing her list of ingredients naming them as she set them out. A bit a sugar, some milk, so far so good. But when she added the lemon juice I had to draw the line. The curdled and lumpy liquid seemed to have taken on a life of its own.

It may have made a good science experiment, we could have kept it and named it George. But alas, the nameless mass would meet its end slithering down the drain.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

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