Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The World According to Neva ...

My 7-year-old daughter started Grade 2 this fall. Mostly what they've been learning in the last 3 weeks has been review from last year. One of the subjects under review is Geography.

The other day Neva came across a children's map of Canada. It boldly and clearly marks the provinces, territories, capital cities and main bodies of water. Neva was excitedly looking it over recalling for her 4-year-old brother Milo some of the places she remembered. Here is what she taught Milo:

  1. The capital of Manitoba is "Winsburg".

  2. The northern-most bay, up Greenland way, is "Buffalo Bay".

  3. North of the Northwest Territories and Beaufort Sea is "Ant Ocean".

  4. Our newest territory is "North America".

  5. And the western-most territory, bordering Alaska, is "Hong Kong".

As she drew her finger across the country, stopping at some of the places she remembered, she thought about where she'd like to visit if she were to travel across Canada.

"I would like to go ... to the US! Yeah, definitely the US.

For those who are unfamiliar with Canadian geography:

  1. The capital of Manitoba is Winnipeg.

  2. The northern-most bay, up Greenland way, is Baffin Bay.

  3. North of the Northwest Territories and Beaufort Sea is the Arctic Ocean.

  4. To Neva's credit, she has since remembered that our newest territory is

  5. And the western-most territory, bordering Alaska, is the Yukon.

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com