Thursday, January 25, 2007

Great Aspirations ...

I had my daughter Willa in to the paediatric walk-in clinic last weekend for an ear infection. As we waited for the doctor to come in, she pointed to the blood pressure cuff (the sphygmomanometer, in case you were wondering).

"I know what dat for, you know," she said. "You put it on your arm and 'queed it for it go all tight."

"Yes, you're right!" I was impressed.

After we discussed it for a while, she added, "I gonna be a doctor tum day, you know."

Now I was really impressed. Not even 3 years old yet and already she has great aspirations for her future.

"And den, tum day I gonna be a Tanta Claus," she added, as my pride diminished somewhat. "And den," she concluded excitedly, "tum day I gonna be a tree house!"

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther