Thursday, October 18, 2007

Return to Sender ...

We had another baby today. Well, I didn't give birth to her, we just looked after her for a few hours while her mother, a good friend of ours, taught a class at the university.

Little 9-month-old Lauren was happy crawling around the floor and I was quickly reminded that I couldn't possibly have anymore children as I followed her around and took things out of her hands: Lego pieces, catnip-filled toys, Barbie shoes, house plants, the pea that fell off the dining room table three nights ago that no one could find. She did, however, sweep up a lot of breakfast crumbs and cat fur as she crawled along.

And now that she's gone home, I'm thinking of how lovely she was and how she was the perfect baby. She had bright, happy eyes, beautiful, generous smiles, rosy cheeks, chubby legs and I got to hand her back to her mother before naptime!

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther