Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beatle Mania ...

Our taste in music is quite varied and Bob and I have been very lucky to have three children that prefer to listen to "our" music than, say, The Wiggles or Barney. In fact, we only own two or three kids music CDs and probably haven't listened to them since Milo was a baby.

Bob is always educating the kids on important musical figures from today and yesterday and was more than a bit excited when he heard that Paul McCartney would be giving a free concert in Quebec City for the city's 400th anniversary. (It must be mentioned that he was also heart-broken when he finally realized that driving more than 10 hours to a free concert, for which you'd need to line up 48 hours in advance -- no matter how once-in-a-life-time the experience -- is not an option with 3 children in tow.) As he was excitedly bouncing around the apartment, he asked the kids if they knew who McCartney was and how significant his influence on music was.

Neva jumped in: "I do! I do! And I’ll prove it!" She ran to get our DVD copy of his 2003 performance in Moscow, Paul McCartney Live in Red Square.

"He was in a band called The Beatles. And two of them died. And now he’s in a band called Red Squares."

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther