Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Teacher's Jar ...

I don't know if it is customary where you live but here, we give our children's teachers a little gift to thank them for putting up with our children and not running away in a mad frenzy months earlier. Some parents give gifts that can be used in class next year, while others give something the teacher can pamper themselves with.

This year, our oldest daughter Neva, with the help of Mommy and her little sister Willa are making "Do-it-yourself" Muffins. To me, it seems such a great idea that I thought I'd share it with you. You simply pack all the dry ingredients in a mason jar, add a tag that lists the wet ingredients the receiver needs to add and cooking instructions.

Now we can't take credit for the idea, it in fact comes from a book called Gifts in a Jar: For Kids by G & R Publishing. You can find it at Amazon.

Happy sweeping!

Bob Gunther