Last Sunday was The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's 18th annual Run for the Cure. In 56 communities across the country, more than 170,000 people ran, walked and wheeled their way to raising $26.5 million for Breast Cancer. Among those people were me and my girls. I first participated 10 years ago when Neva was just a toddler. It was a way for my mothers' group to get together and give back, but at the time breast cancer hadn't touched any of our lives yet. In the years since, I've met more women than I care to count who have been diagnosed with, suffered through, conquered, survived and succumbed to breast cancer. One of those was Bob's sister, 8 years ago.
So Sunday morning, Neva, Willa and I dressed in pink, donned our Run shirts and joined thousands of others in a downtown park to beat a disease I hope never effects my girls. And as I wondered who to include on my "I'm running for..." message bib, I decided I'd run for those closest to my heart. My message:
"I'm running for MY GIRLS: the two I gave birth to and the two who nursed them and their brother for 6 years!"
Happy sweeping!
Kathleen Gunther