Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fearless ...

This is a big year for us at school. Neva has begun Grade 4, and is no longer in Primary but Junior, something of which she is most proud. Milo is in Grade 1 and attending full days for the first time. And our baby, Willa, started Junior Kindergarten yesterday. What an exciting first day of school we had!

I was completing Willa's student information sheet yesterday. It was mostly standard stuff: how many letters does she know? Can she print her own name? How high can she count? The only one that stumped me momentarily was about fears and dislikes. I don't think she's afraid of anything. We're talking about the little girl who climbs over the railing of the front porch and jumps over the garden into the grass. The little girl who kept wanting to go faster when she went tubing behind the big boat at the cottage -- even when the wake sent her bouncing from her knees onto her tummy. This is the little girl who climbs on top of the monkey bars. And fell off the trapeze bar, giving herself a nasty nose bleed, only to get right back on the next day.

So I asked her, "Willa, is there anything your teacher should know about that you don't like or are afraid of?"

She shook her head and shrugged unconcerned, "No, just monsters."

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther