Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Hello Everyone.

What kids can do is often really amazing. Take for instance my 5-year-old daughter Neva and some of her accomplishments. Just the other day, she found three one-foot long tree branches and colored them completely with chalk. It takes some kind of patience to fill every nook and cranny, but that's what she did.

Then, a short while later, she discovered that if nobody's looking she can climb to the top of our bedroom dresser and jump off of it, landing on our bed. Without hurting herself! Even more impressive is that she likely jumped a number of times before we even caught on.

It takes some creativity and imagination to come up and carry out such endeavors. And yet, even though she has been told a hundred times, I am baffled as to why Neva still can't seem to wash her hands with soap.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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