Monday, January 06, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, the holidays are officially over. Gone are the days of Baileys in my coffee and extra cookies at lunch. (And tea time. And dessert. And before bed snack.) Decorations and fruit cakes have been boxed away for another year and children are back to school.

Wait... No! Both London school boards have declared a Snow Day and that means parents are frantically trying to arrange child care and employers are facing a morning of delayed commuters and called-in personal days.

We here at ContestHound, however, are seeing first-hand the benefits of owning a family-run home business: no child care or work panic. We just have to contend with three kids that we would rather have had out of the house today, after two and a half weeks of non-stop "Can you take me to so-and-so's?" and "Will you play with me?" and "Go to your room and leave your sister alone!" and "MO-OM!!"

Don't get me wrong - I love my kids like crazy. But this extra "holiday" I've been given is really pushing the crazy part!

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther