Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sticker Shock ...

My kids have become sticker junkies. Six-year-old Neva gets a sticker for doing her school work. She uses them to make all the time to make art projects. My 3-year-old son Milo gets a sticker everytime he goes to the bathroom. And 1 1/2-year-old Willa has found that glueing them to her arm is wonderfully entertaining.

Did you know they come in a greater variety than almost any other thing on the entire planet? But what are you really supposed to do with them? You get a few hundred in a package, more if you get them in book form. I mean, there's only so many times Milo is going to go to the bathroom.

And then half of them don't stick to what you want them to stick to. Instead they fall off and become permanently adhered to the floor. The kids glue them to the walls, the furniture, even my computer screen! My kids are like little mice sneaking around the house leaving sticker droppings everywhere.

Their appeal is lost on me, but the kids, they like them even if I don't.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

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