Wednesday, November 23, 2005

We Like to Snooze ...

Probably the most enjoyable part of my day is when I put my 1 1/2-year-old daughter Willa down for her nap. It's nice to take a break and lie down and do nothing for a little while. But the best part is watching Willa get herself prepared.

It's pretty much the same routine every afternoon. Willa starts by searching around for her doll that she's named "Baby". Once found, she tucks it in beside me. Then she's off to find her other doll, also named "Baby". It too finds its way into the bed. Now comes her stuffed dog "Puppy" and her duck "Ducky" and finally she herself climbs in.

After flipping this way and that, Willa finally gets comfortable and asks for "Row Row" and I quietly sing: "Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream ... " She chimes in with a few words here and there and we do this for three, four, sometimes five verses.

And then it's on to Sandra Boynton's Snoozers, the same story I've been reciting for months. Willa shouts with glee at the end, rolls over, throws her dolls and stuffed animals onto the floor then snuggles in beside me and falls asleep.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

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