We're half way through the second day of school and it is only now, as I sit here, that the house is finally quiet! Milo missed his first day of Grade 2 yesterday due to highly contagious pink eye. And Willa doesn't go to school in the mornings. But now that all three are gone, I think I can finally concentrate on work for more than 3 minutes at a time.
Working from home while all three of our children were home for the summer is challenging at the very least. While 7-year-old Milo kept himself occupied for long periods of time (if a very noisy time), our two girls seemed to be at a loss if they didn't have a playdate or an activity planned.
My youngest daughter, Willa, typically started asking if she could call a friend about 17 seconds after she'd finished eating her breakfast. It was like that every day for the 9 weeks of summer holiday. (No, really, I'm not kidding.) One day last week, I had to endure what seemed like hours of "who can I call now?" before she finally found a friend who was available to play that afternoon.
"Marc's coming over," she told her dad.
"Is that a good thing?" he asked.
"Yes! Cuz now I won't be following you and Mommy around all the time!"
Happy sweeping!
Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com