Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A Story By Willa

One day there was a Dad walking in his garden. He was harvesting vegetables from his garden for his Granny. And then he went off and found a basket. And he found a big bad wolf in it. So he took the wolf out and put his food in. And then he went through the fireworks and he stayed for a little. When he was sitting down he found a ginormous toilet. [Here she snickers] So he sat on it.

Then he went off to the woods. And then he started walking again and found a college school. He went behind the college school and found a big ginormous tower. At the top there was a toilet. [more snickering] And he sat on it again. And then he started walking again.

At the end of the forest, he found his Granny's house. They were in the back. He went behind Granny's house and said, "They forgot about my birthday!"

When he sat on the toilet, they all jumped out and said, "Surprise! Happy birthday!" And they had a wonderful picnic birthday.

The End

Happy sweeping!

Willa Gunther, as told to Kathleen Gunther (Ed).,
Most Junior Writer in Residence,