Monday, March 17, 2003

Milestones Abound ...

Hello Everyone.

I think every parent cherishes those times his or her children do something for the first time. Whether it is the first born or subsequent editions, these milestones never lose their luster, each is as wonderful as the last.

With my 9-month-old son Milo beginning to walk last week it brought back the same excitement and enthusiasm as with my now 3 ½-year-old daughter Neva's first steps. And I started to think how for her, milestones are fewer and farther between, a trend that seems to continue right through adulthood.

But as I drove around the other day with my kids in tow, we stopped at our local art gallery and walked around the park-like grounds surrounding the building. In the middle of the lawn was a life sized sheet-metal sculpture that Neva was immediately drawn to. She circled around it, carried on a conversation with it, all the while trailing her hand over each riveted section. What surprised me was that Neva knew exactly that she was petting an aluminum rhinoceros. Now there's a first.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther