Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Um, well, ahhh ... Hmmm ...

Hello Everyone.

The four of us were out for an afternoon walk the other day, when my naturally inquisitive 3 1/2-year-old daughter Neva asked to be lifted up to pick a leaf off a tree.

"What kind of leaf is this, Mamma?" she asked.

"That's a maple leaf," I said.

She admired it for a moment and then, turning to Bob, she exclaimed: "Look, Daddy! I got a maple leaf from the maple tree!" As if her mind hit a speed bump, she again paused, looking back at the tree, then at Bob and back to the tree again.

And with that she asked one of those unanswerable questions that really stump parents: "Where are the maples?"

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com