Friday, December 12, 2003

To Sleep, To Sleep ...

Hello Everyone.

You know, it's a crime that parents can tell time and young children can't. More specifically the offense is not that they can't tell the time it's more that they don't know when we parents are misleading them about it.

Like tonight for instance. It's already dark outside even though we just finished dinner. And my 4-year-old daughter is rather cranky and as a result, bedtime will be over an hour earlier than normal. I know this because I can tell time. She doesn't because she can't.

I know I am being a little dishonest but what am I to do? If I tell Neva that she's going to bed early, she'll put up a fuss telling me she's not tired, even though the slightest things are upsetting her. It's for her own good I keep telling myself, but I can't escape the feeling that I am deceiving her.

But of course, if her behavior worsens because she's so tired, I'll wind up getting cranky too and scolding her inappropriately. Then I'll feel even guiltier for something that can be avoided. So, off to bed it is.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther