Monday, February 09, 2004


Hello Everyone.

Countdown to Baby: 9 days
Panic is setting in. We have just a little over a week before the newest employee arrives. Send help ...

It seems to have been one of those days. I'm feeling big and uncomfortable, very tired and very, very hormonal. After all, I am about to have another baby in a few short weeks. So when bath time rolled around, I didn't have much patience left in me. I got 20-month-old Milo bathed quickly enough but his sister Neva was a different story. Apparently 4-year-olds can become hormonal by osmosis. She was being obstinate, and protested rather loudly when I told her to get out of the tub for behaving that way. What followed I won't recount, but suffice it to say, it was loud and there were tears involved. Neva's and mine.

Enter Bob. Calm, cool and collected, my husband ran interference. He quietly took Neva in to bed, got her settled down and to sleep. Drained, I got Milo a bottle of milk and lay down on the couch with him. Milo, however, doesn't fall asleep easily when he's had a daytime nap, so as soon as the milk was done, Milo was off. I barely had the energy to get up off the couch, much less chase him around the apartment and get him to bed.

Enter Bob. But this time I bribed him. See, he was stuck on a story for tonight's issue of this very newsletter. So I promised I'd write one if he'd put Milo to bed. It's been a half-hour and he's just coming out of the bedroom now. Did he get the fuzzy end of the lollipop this time? Depends on how much this glowing review of his parenting skills means to him.

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther

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