Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Father Nose Best ...

Hello Everyone.

Editor's Note: Sorry about the absence of the newsletter over the past two weeks, all 5 of us had our February cold. This is not to be confused with the January cold and the March cold which are different.

Each time one of my kids has a birthday it shakes me up a bit. Our youngest daughter Willa just turned one the other week. An entire year flew by and I can't account for the time between Willa's birth and her birthday. What have I been doing for the past 12 months?

During that time Willa's achievements have been numerous. She learned to crawl, walk and climb, spoke her first words, began playing with toys to name a few. I'm still doing precisely the same thing I was doing a year ago. Nothing's changed for me.

Eventually I realize that the sameness is maybe not such a bad thing. My life is predictable and with that there is a certain comfort. Unlike Willa, I at least won't be surprised to find out that when I have a cold, I shouldn’t lick my nose.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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