Thursday, February 03, 2005

Going Bananas ...

Hello Everyone.

Back in December, my husband Bob asked if I wanted a banana tree for Christmas. Not the organic, fruit-bearing kind, but the wooden, fruit-hanging version that stands on your countertop. Although our kids are voracious banana eaters, I simply couldn't justify spending the money on a gizmo when a fruit bowl works just fine.

I relented this week, however, when the banana tree was in the clearance bin at the grocery store. I brought it home, put it together and happily hung a nice bunch of bananas on it.

Later that day I walk into the kitchen, only to find our banana tree empty and five loose bananas at its base, as if it had shed its leaves.

"What happened here?" I asked 5-year-old Neva, who was eating the evidence.

"I wanted the one with the sticker on it."

Banana tree for sale!

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther

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