Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Weigh In!

I was thinking last night, as our sugar-filled children lay snug in their beds, limbs still jittery and twitching, how it was that special time for Moms and Dads to raid the Halloween treats! (Oh, we all know you do it.) But before you did, did any of you check out just how much was in those bags?

As soon as my kids got home, 6-year-old Neva instructed the two little ones to empty all the bags into one pile. Candy spilled off the table and onto the floor. So we sorted, tallied and re-bagged. And I got to wondering how much it all weighed. I mean, just how much weight will I be putting on when I eat all of this stuff, anyway?

So I dusted off the bathroom scales and here's what I got: 8.5 pounds! And more than half of that is in chocolate bars. Unbelievable! Especially since they only walked a little more than two blocks and visited probably only two-thirds of the houses!

I was interested in hearing from some of my family and friends with power-trick-or-treating older kids. (Ah, those were the days!) While most of them said it was too late to weigh, since much had been eaten last night already, one of my nieces (in a family of four) had 8.6 pounds alone. That's alot of candy! My friend "buys" her kids' candy, giving them a toy instead and sends the sweets to work with her husband. Although, she admits she sends only what she doesn't like.

However, a cousin of mine, who was out with her girls for almost 3 hours, put it quite well. She feels raiding her children's candy is her due for walking miles and miles with them to 'ensure their safety'. I couldn't agree more!

And with that, I'd better go. There are KitKats calling my name.

Happy Hallowe'en everyone!

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com

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