Thursday, January 11, 2007

Den my head id gonna cwack ...

My almost 3-year-old daughter Willa has a great vocabulary and a very colourful imagination. She has always befriended baby monsters (or "montode", as she says) and carefully carries them around in her hand. She loves to sit and read books by herself or to her toys, making up the story when she forgets the original words. She is a constant source of amusement when it comes to her story-telling.

We were at my oldest daughter Neva's swimming lesson a few weeks ago when she told one of her doozies.

She and I were watching from the gallery above the pool. I was holding her and she kept leaning towards the railing. I told her not to lean or I would have to put her down. I decided not to be vague about it and explained, "If you fall you will land on the pool deck and crack your head open."

Her eyes grew big as saucers and she elaborated for me: "I gonna fall an' land on my head. Den my head id gonna cwack open an' all duh watermelon id gonna come out. An' it gonna be a weally, weally big ouchie!"

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther