Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Surprise, Surprise

Children are strange creatures.

I was having a tough time coping with my three kids' behaviour tonight. It started after swimming lessons when Milo, my 4 1/2-year-old son, and his almost 3-year-old sister Willa decided it was more fun to hide in the lockers and escape the change room than get dressed to go home.

It continued at home when 7-year-old Neva added to the struggle, loudly protesting the home made turkey soup that was served for supper.

When bedtime finally arrived -- not soon enough, thank you very much! -- I took a much-needed break while the three of them brushed their teeth. Bob was folding laundry in the bedroom and I decided he could finish that on his own.

After a while, things got strangely quiet. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I stayed hidden at my desk, enjoying the peace. Shortly after, Neva came to find me.

"Daddy needs you. He has a surprise," she told me.

Begrudgingly I went to the bedroom only to find, to my great bewilderment, all three children quietly and happily folding the laundry with Bob. Neva was proudly displaying her own pile and Milo was very carefully putting Willa's pyjamas away in the drawer.

Boy, do I like surprises!

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com