Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Climbing the Walls ...

Our kids are climbers. They climb trees and playground equipment, of course, but they also seem to think the house is a jungle gym. They climb on the back of the couches, on the radiators, and, oddly enough, up the doors. (I still don't know how they discovered that one!) In particular, they like to climb on the chest freezer in the laundry room and jump to the door from there. The frustration has both Bob and me climbing the walls!

The other night, I looked out the kitchen window to see Neva and Willa on the back fire escape. They know they are not allowed up there, since it is simply unsafe for children. So I tapped on the window and in my sternest "Mommy" voice, called, "Get! Down!"

After a short silence, a stunned Milo said from the laundry room, "How did you know I was up here?"

Happy sweeping!

Kathleen Gunther