Friday, September 05, 2003

Changes ...

Hello Everyone.

I'm pretty sure that when I put him to bed last night he was still a baby. But when I looked over at my 15-month-old son Milo this morning, for whatever reason, it struck me how all of a sudden he looks like a boy. He doesn't look like a baby anymore and it seems to have happened overnight.

At first I couldn't explain how his face had changed, all I knew is that it seemed different. I gazed at him for quite some time carefully looking at his features but I came away with no clue as to what had changed.

I questioned most of our neighbors this afternoon how they saw him. "Does he look like a baby or a boy to you?" I asked. And they all answered the same; he looks like a little boy. Which now leaves me wondering whether lately I just haven't been looking closely enough.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther