Monday, September 22, 2003

Gone to the Dogs ...

Hello Everyone.

Our neighbors down the street had invited us for dinner and being a family of four we were customarily late. In fact their kids came to get us since they had been wondering what was taking us so long.

When we finally got there my 16-month-old son Milo discovered they had a dog. He instantly befriended Chloe and for the rest of the evening he followed this poor dog everywhere. Down from the porch, around the yard and back up again, over the deck, into the house and back outside.

Chloe needed a break and into the kitchen she went with Milo close behind. No one was paying any attention to either one. Chloe just drank from her water bowl with Milo mesmerized at her side. My wife Kathleen eventually made her way into the kitchen to investigate Milo's whereabouts. She found him lying on his tummy, there at the edge of the kitchen, drinking from the dog bowl.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther