Thursday, September 18, 2003

Peter Piper ...

Hello Everyone.

My 16-month-old son Milo likes to help me in the vegetable garden much like his sister Neva, who'll be 4 next week. She was rather helpful all summer since she has begun to understand the point to growing vegetables; not that she eats most of them. Milo, on the other hand, has a great appetite for veggies but his gardening skills need some work.

I was puttering around yesterday tending to the onions while Milo busily wandered around. He rambled into the pepper plants that are as tall as he is. He disappeared in between the bushes and suddenly one plant began to move vigorously. A moment later, out comes Milo holding a sweet pepper, red as they come. He looked at it, took a bite and tossed it onto the ground as he turned to go back into the pepper plants.

When all was said and done, Milo had picked 5 peppers, bitten two of them, and deposited them all over the place in the same not-so-gentle manner.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther