Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Garden Guessing ...

Hello Everyone.

Editor's Note: Due to the ice storm that knocked out power, a large number of subscribers did not receive Friday's issue. As such, we are reprinting Friday's story.

My 3 1/2-year-old daughter Neva and I planted our vegetable transplants today and unlike last year, she didn't re-arrange all the markers that identify each variety.

Even though her hands are small it doesn't mean she is better able to get those tiny seeds into the plastic pots full of dirt. Trying to pick up a single seed and negotiate it into the appropriate place was difficult. Often checking her hand to make sure the seed was still there, she inadvertently would drop it, usually over another pot or somewhere on the ground.

So this years garden should be an interesting array of too much of one thing and too few of others. For instance, broccoli and cauliflower plants look extremely similar. Whether the plants that will soon be coming up are either one will only be determined sometime in mid-summer when the heads form. And since I always plant extra seed, I may end up with too many plum tomatoes and too few cherry tomatoes.

Nevertheless, Neva and I truly enjoyed working together, getting dirty and talking about how exciting the springtime is.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com