Wednesday, April 09, 2003

He Ain't Heavy ...

Hello Everyone.

Neva loves her brother, really she does! Although you can often find my 3 1/2 year-old daughter yanking toys away from 10-month-old Milo, pushing him down from the breakfast table, defiantly shouting "No!" when he has one of her markers, or simply yelling louder than him because she can't hear her movie, she does have great affection for him.

Like when she tells him, "It's okay, Milo, we all do that," when he stubs his toe on the door. Or how she always wants to hold his hand, especially when they're in their car seats. Or when, just out of the blue, she gives him a little pat on the head or a kiss on the cheek.

We were in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. I had Neva asking for peaches and Milo pulling on my pants, whining for something else. I was not quite fully awake and had the attitude to match. In an exasperated tone, I told Milo he had to be patient and wait while I made his cereal.

Without a word, big sister Neva reached over to my stash of pacifiers (a.k.a. breadsticks) and gently offered Milo something to eat.

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.comcom