Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Ordinary ...

Hello Everyone.

Regular readers may have noticed that there hasn't been a newsletter in the past three weeks. I do apologize for the extended absence as we stretched our family holiday from one week to almost three. I had become disillusioned with the stories I write about my children.

They are meant to be a journal of my experiences as a parent, as a stay-at-home/work-at-home dad, as a father. They were meant to chronicle my thoughts and interpretations of the everyday but somehow over the spring and early summer they became a burden. I felt I had to write about something novel, something interesting, something funny.

My wife Kathleen was attending an out-of-town seminar and she took our 15-month-old son Milo with her. I spent 4 days with my soon-to-be 4-year-old daughter Neva. We played together. We watched movies. I read her stories and told her tales. We went for walks and visited neighbors. We did chores, went out to eat and fell asleep together.

It was nothing, nothing out of the ordinary.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther