Thursday, September 02, 2004

Meltdown Mania ...

Hello Everyone.

They say five-year-olds are very emotional and my daughter Neva, almost 5, certainly has her share of meltdowns. And every time it happens, my wife Kathleen and I come up with the most far-fetched reasons for Neva's overly emotional behavior.

We have always known that if there were an Academy Award for a Melodramatic Performance in a Non-Movie Role, Neva would win hands down. She has a lot of emotion and is not afraid to express it, albeit in an immature fashion.

Yet, this doesn't relieve us of the relentless fear that we are doing something wrong. We question and analyze each episode convinced that we are the cause. For us at least it isn't difficult to ignore the facts and come up with some reason that proves we are damaging our kids psychologically.

But then, as we have said before, you need to give your kids something to talk about in therapy.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther

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