Thursday, September 30, 2004

Tiny Bubbles ...

Hello Everyone.

"Can I play in the sink?"

Six simple words and, one would think a relatively benign request. However, it's something I always hesitate to agree to. You see, my daughter Neva (whose new greeting to people is, "Hi! I'm five!") loves water and, like her father and brother, water likes her. It also likes the counter and the chair she stands on and the floor!

Reluctantly, I agreed. It's only water, Kathleen, I reassure myself. And sure enough water is everywhere and Neva is soaked when I return a little later. She is "washing" the dishes on the counter with hand soap and a sponge. The floor is a mess of wet bubbles.

"Please use this tea towel to wipe up when you're done," I ask, pointing to one that is ready for the laundry anyway.

"I already used that one," she says, pointing to the clean one I just put out before dinner. Sigh. It's only a tea towel, I reassure myself again. At least she has already thought to wipe the floor, although where I can't tell.

"Well, please wipe up and come get in the bath. It's time for bed," I add before I go.

Minutes pass and there is still no sign of Neva in the bathroom. I go back to the kitchen to remind her to wipe up and get moving. And there she is, drying all her "washed" dishes and putting them away. The oven drawer is open to put the pie plates away where they belong. They are still covered in bubbles. She is drying some Tupperware with the tea towel she used to wipe the floor. It, too, is still mostly covered in bubbles when it goes in the cupboard.

I stop myself from correcting her because Neva is beaming and couldn't be prouder of the great job she is doing.

And neither could I. Bubbles and all!

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther

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