Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Rabble Babble ...

Hello Everyone.

When my now 5 1/2-year-old daughter Neva was beginning to talk we gave her lots and lots of encouragement. Which probably explains why she hasn't stopped talking ever since. Regardless, we are now at the same stage with our youngest, one year old Willa.

Seems to me that we may not be as supportive in Willa's speech development though. She tends to make a multitude of bizarre sounds that Neva never did. Ask Willa what a dog says and she answers sounding more like a car trying to start on the coldest day of winter.

She makes this really odd throat clearing sound when she wants something and hisses like a snake for no apparent reason. And when she is tired there is that ear-splitting shriek that makes you go instantly cross-eyed.

It's amusing to listen to her babble, full of grunts and croaks and other strange noises. If you stand a busy intersection during rush hour, you'll get a good feel for it.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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