Friday, May 02, 2003

Foresight ...

Hello Everyone.

After Thursday's story of how my 3 1/2-year-old daughter Neva managed to gobble up loads of jellybeans just before bed, I thought it might be high time for another top ten list of how a lack of foresight on my behalf played out in the long run.

So, without further ado, here it is, my Top Ten List of Recent Mishaps:

- If you have to mail it, don't let your 10-month-old son Milo play with it.

- Training wheels on a 3 1/2-year-old's bicycle won't stop her from falling off.

- Speaking of falling, even though a baby hasn't far to fall, if he doesn't use his hands to land, he will scrape his nose on the sidewalk.

- Gardening immediately after a rain involves mud.

- Yogurt and a spoon, if left in the hands of a baby, is not an advisable way to redecorate the living room furniture.

- Paper back books are easily eaten, as are playdoh, stones, markers, crayons, socks, shoes ...

- Half full boxes of cereal left in the hands of a baby, makes for a crunchy floor.

- Neva's collection of garden snails may at first fit in her hands, but they will begin to crawl up her arm.

- Teaching a baby to play the harmonica is pointless.

And finally,

- videotapes used to make a walkway do not support the weight of a child.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther