Friday, May 09, 2003

Ready to Go ...

Hello Everyone.

Being prepared is always a good idea and having spent 20 minutes planning and packing should insure that nothing is forgotten. She had filled the knapsack with a change of clothes, a few books, some toys for the baby and a couple of extra big girl toys. Slipping her arms through the straps she announced she was ready to go.

Of course, most plans tend to overlook something and in this case it was the overall purpose of packing. You see, we were going out to a local furniture and electronics warehouse 10 minutes from home.

But for my 3 1/2-year-old daughter Neva, it was important to take along a survival kit. Which, by the way, was immediately dropped at the store's front door as Neva kicked off her shoes, climbed into the display bed in the front window and hid under the covers.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther