Thursday, May 08, 2003

Little Thief ...

Hello Everyone.

It seems that my 11-month-old son Milo has figured out not only that his 3 1/2-year-old sister Neva keeps her crafts on the dining room table, but also that to get to them all he needs to do is pull at the table cloth.

When I caught him chewing on Neva's scissors this afternoon, I was perplexed as to how he got them. But later in the day, I found him carrying the open jar of glue through the dining room. I was certain that the glue had been on the craft table and glancing at it, the table cloth was so off kilter I knew what he had done. I then discovered what else he had learned. When he heard me questioning him about his new found possession, he ran away!

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther