Friday, May 30, 2003

We're Still All Sick ...

Hello Everyone.

I apologize that the creative juices haven't been flowing. My nose continues to however ... We'll be back on Monday with all new stories. Here is one from a little while ago.

My three-year-old daughter Neva is at the stage where she questions why things are the way they are. I try to give her answers that are clear enough to be understood and for the most part accurate. The sun has moved below the horizon and that's why it's dark outside.

Formed somewhere deep in her mind, nothing could have prepared me for the question she asked me earlier today. As soon as she asked my brain froze. Not a word came out of my mouth. Speechless as I was, the real problem was that I had absolutely no idea on how to respond. None what so ever.

"Why don't dogs wipe their bum?"

Originally published December 4, 2002.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther