Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Mission Completed ...

Hello Everyone.

If you take the time to look closely you occasionally find something rather extraordinary. A few days ago, my 4-year-old daughter Neva asked me for a glass of water. She was so engrossed in the television that she couldn't tear herself away to get it herself.

Since I was going in the general direction of the kitchen I did as she asked. I brought the drink and set in on the table in front of her and without even a glance, almost absentmindedly, she said "Thank you Daddy".

What struck me sometime afterwards had nothing to do with her seeming lack of connection to world around her save the television. Rather, it was that in this oblivious state, Neva still remembered to say "Thank you". She obviously wasn't thinking about it, it was just a natural response, not an afterthought nor the result of any prompting.

Which left me feeling rather proud of the fact that we had successfully completed our mission in training at least one of our children to be polite.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com