Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dog Daze ...

As many of you know, our household functions somewhere between the edges of chaos and anarchy. So naturally when my mother asked me if we could take her dog while she went of a vacation for a month, I jumped at the opportunity.

The first day was a little rough for all of us, but by the second day, my mother's dog regained her appetite and started to fit right in. She came to enjoy sharing her meals with my two-year-old daughter Willa who regularly ate the kibble and made off with dog's treats to return empty handed.

At 11 years old, the dog was quite set in her ways. So I was surprised at her tolerance with being mauled by the kids for days on end. She really took things in stride. She wasn't bothered by my 6-year-old daughter Neva regularly picking her up like you would a cat nor did she care when 3 1/2 year-old Milo and/or Willa would use her as a pillow.

So when my mother called to check in to see how we all were making out, I let her know everything was fine, her dog was fitting in quite nicely. I did neglect to mention that on the first day, we lost the dog briefly, and that a few days back, someone in our house had tried to paint it a nice shade of blue.

Happy sweeping!

Bob Gunther

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