Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wearing Down the Dressers ...

The other day, I saw my wife Kathleen running all over our house chasing my two-year -old daughter Willa, who really didn't want to get dressed. This usually is not an issue, but Kathleen and I needed to pop across the street to retrieve some office furniture our neighbor had given us.

As things quickly degenerated, Kathleen naturally became more and more frustrated. Willa of course turned from a gleeful baby to a shrieking demonic apparition. Thinking I might be helpful, I gave it a shot. Bad idea. Willa was just not going to let us get her dressed.

We finally gave up trying and went outside for a breather and to figure out how to get across the street and pick up the furniture before someone else steals it from their porch. Moments later, my 6-year-old daughter Neva opened the door, a triumphant look on her face. And Willa followed behind, fully dressed.

Happy sweeping!

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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