Tuesday, February 21, 2006

She Nose Shopping ...

When my oldest daughter Neva began speaking I remember marveling at all she had to say. Later as she began to form short sentences, I was regularly amused at the ideas she would connect together.

A few years later, my son Milo would begin to do the same and I was still enthralled. As if I had never before experienced a child learning to express themselves. And now my two-year-old daughter Willa is at that same stage. And I am still amazed by the coupling of unrelated thoughts that somehow make sense.

Willa and I were sitting together the other day, just enjoying each other's company when I tickled her nose and asked her:

"What's that?"

"My nose," she replied.

"Where did you get it?" I asked.

"Grocery store!" came her reply.

Happy sweeping!

Bob Gunther
Webmaster, ContestHound.com

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