Saturday, January 11, 2003


Hello Everyone.

Even though she cannot yet articulate it, my three-year-old daughter Neva is learning that life is not fair. There are different rules for different people and this becomes painfully obvious each time her little brother, 7-month-old Milo, is excused for certain behaviors simply because of his age. He doesn't know any better but Neva does; his needs are addressed, she is given a time out.

We encourage Neva for instance to use her words to ask for what she wants rather than cry uncontrollably. Yet Milo can only ask by crying. He has no words and even if he did, he likely does not have any concept of what it is he needs. The louder and harder he cries, the quicker we respond. The louder and harder she cries, the more impatient we become.

There is no question in my mind that the unequal treatment handed out to Neva and Milo is appropriate as they are at significantly different stages of maturity. We adults understand, for the most part, that in a world that struggles for equality, often on a grand scale, there exists an inescapable inequality. Age, knowledge, ability all play a role in determining one's level of responsibility and with responsibility, come rules. But for a three-year-old I doubt it makes much sense.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther