Wednesday, January 08, 2003

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four

Hello Everyone.

I am still hard pressed to explain how my wife Kathleen and I have created two profoundly different children. Where my three-year-old daughter Neva talks continually and has tantrums that are sure to earn her an Academy Award for her sorrowful performances, 7-month-old Milo is much more reserved, causing little or no commotion at all, leading us to often forget exactly where we last left him.

Their personalities, expressions and likes and dislikes differ in almost every aspect with the exception of potatoes. Long time readers may remember that Neva's love for potatoes led to my then two-year-old daughter to adopt one as her "baby". She cared for this potato putting it to bed when it was tired, subjecting it to time outs for bad behavior yet all the while showering it with lots of hugs and caresses. Of course, Neva had to continually return to the potato orphanage as she lost one after another. Within days, we were finding countless potatoes around the house.

Now, Milo too has embraced the potato as more than a root vegetable. It seems to make a great chew toy for the little guy and following in his sister's footsteps, he too returns time and again to select another. Finding one abandoned spud after another, teeth marks and slobbery spots indicate that they are recent victims.

And if anyone is interested, we have some extra potato salad in the refrigerator.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther