Monday, January 06, 2003

Words of Wisdoom

Hello Everyone.

Today for the first time I realized that maybe things are the way they should be. Maybe all parents go through this self-doubt, but for months now, I have been concerned that I have been doing something wrong, failing as a parent.

I had just finished reading an article in a parenting magazine about what to expect from a preschooler. Besides seeking more independence, they are still egocentric and may continue to have tantrums. They have more advanced verbal skills, the article goes on to point out, and at three years of age children may be uncooperative, take reckless risks, whine and argue.

"The disruptive behavior of a highly active child..." it continued. The more I read, the more I was convinced that the writer was talking about my daughter Neva. She does all of those things, I kept thinking, feeling both mild panic and great relief.

As it turns out, according to the experts quoted in the article at least, every child goes through these stages to some degree. Our job as parents is to allow them to struggle with their emotions in a safe environment, giving praise for good behavior and offering positive alternatives for bad conduct. If we maintain consistency in support and encouragement, our children will learn the same.

In the meantime, however, I'm keeping my therapist's phone number on speed-dial.

Happy sweeping,

Bob Gunther