Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Food for Thought ...

Hello Everyone.

When my two oldest, Neva and Milo, were babies, I followed the book on infant feeding. I started with all the traditional and "accepted" baby foods and progressed methodically from pureed grains and veggies to lumps and chunks, carefully watching for sensitivities and allergies. New tastes and textures were not introduced until after the prescribed time period had elapsed, safely and uneventfully, since the last new food. Nothing passed my baby's lips unless I approved it first.

Then along came Willa. I was in no hurry to introduce solid food. Quite frankly, I didn’t have the time. So when I did give her her first food it was more out of convenience. I was eating a banana. So Willa had some. And since that "unconventional" start, nothing’s been the same. She refused a spoon for the first month or two, accepting only food by hand. I have managed to get through some of the standard fare, however, she just keeps eating more and more things that aren’t on the menu. She has eaten plenty of scraps from Neva and Milo’s plates: muffins, grilled cheese, pork chops. But more troublesome than that are the rather unorthodox items. Take, for instance, the gravel in the bottom of the plant in the bathroom. Or the red play-dough she was munching on this afternoon. (Boy was that a treat to clean up!)

Oddly enough, despite all my efforts to start Neva and Milo off right, they are rather picky eaters. Milo, now 2 ½, wouldn’t eat a vegetable to save his life. And Neva cries treason if there’s even so much as sauce fumes on her pizza or pasta.

Happy sweeping,

Kathleen Gunther
Editor, ContestHound.com

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